an online testing tool which is used to access every individual working in any of the segments listed above in accessing their EXCELLENT PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS and the analysis that is made by us is unique that identifies all that is necessary to be a good team leader and team player skills. Through this unique instrument we give feedback to individuals, team leader and the corporate which is invaluable. The feedback will be based on the behaviour pattern of individuals in a team, why they behave in a particular fashion, analyzing various factors that could have conditioned them. We give suitable suggestions to improve them and indicate the kind of training programs that may be necessary for better upgradation of skills needed.
Target audience: Every individual who plays a part in the success of any team in Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical and Educational Institutions leadership as faculties.
Outcome: Assessment of individuals and Teams, their individual and team roles vs responsibilities with individual, team wise and organization wise feedback.
is a Excellent Customer Relationships Program that helps in measuring the customer relationship skills of every person employed in any of the above three Industry segments right from the CEO down to the last but not the least level to identify the customer relation skills of the organization in total. Designed specially to suit the Healthcare sector (Read Hospitals and Pharmaceuticals), the program identifies the orientation of a person in Customer care and helps him understand the strength and weaknesses of the style. It is a task-oriented workshop conducted by the group facilitated by the trainer. The end results are tabulated, and necessary feedbacks submitted to the individuals and the team leader concerned.
Target audience: Doctors- their assistants, Surgical teams, and Physiotherapy teams, who deal with CRM at any Hospitals, Diagnostics Institute, and Faculties in Educational Institutions and all Board members of all these institutions.
Outcome: Excellent Customer relations exhibited throughout the organization helps in building customer loyalty.
Thus these 2 programs ensure the success of every organization building People Relationships and Customer Relationships that are essential for the Teams to succeed with Internal and External customers.
All of us start learning from our birth from our inherited habits and continue to learn from our observations from what we see in others. This enables us to become a professional. We have conditioned responses that govern our stimuli and we become successful only when we understand the diversity of culture and that every individual is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. It ensures the participants understand how to get Victory for themselves (Personal Victory) and Victory in the team they are involved with (Public Victory).
Target Audience: Selling and Customer relations Personnel including Doctors, their assistants, nurses, in Hospitals and Diagnostics institutes: In Pharmaceuticals Production Staff, Medical detail men and their leaders, Executive Teams. In Educational Sectors students in UG and PG, and Professional Faculty
Contact for: Customization for your audience
This is about training the target audience in different sales methods that target behaviour and customer conviction.
Target audience: Salespersons in Pharma, Hospitals and Diagnostics services.
Outcome: Effective and conceptual product promotion facilitating a MOM target achievement.
In a workplace, effective communication is very important to improve team functioning. Clear communications ensure that there is a similar understanding of the Team’s dynamics to ensure team goals are achieved. Every member of the team should follow a principle of understanding what is expected of himself/herself in the team. Understanding the organization’s culture and creating ideas to improve team dynamics are important to ensure a Team’s success. This leads to greater job satisfaction and improving a team’s performance. We give a customized solution to suit your needs.
Target audience: Receptionists, sales, and customer relations personnel, Nurses and Doctors assistants from Pharma, Diagnostic and Hospital Industries.
Outcome: greater job satisfaction and improving a team’s performance. Setting Individual priorities in line with the Team's Goals.
Ensures a leader as a caring coach who elicits performance from his team through demonstration and empathy. To ensure a leader follow an approach of R.R.R.
Target audience: 1st, 2nd, and 3rdline Leaders from Pharma, Diagnostic and Hospital.
Outcome: Motivating and facilitating type of Leadership leading to a good talented pool performance.
Assertiveness and aggressiveness are different. Do you differentiate between both? Is being assertive being aggressive? Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
These are questions that you face frequently. Do you have confidence in expressing your point of view clearly, forcefully and without offending the others who are listening to you?
Are you stuck where you are and finding it difficult at times to express yourself? Are you applying for a Job and preparing for an interview? When somebody asks you something and you want to say NO, do you find it difficult?
All these questions get answered when you register for Smart Trainers and Consultants, “Assertiveness Training”.
Whenever you are part of a team-that calls for Performance. One by you and second by your team. Especially in a team where the Performance is the need of a decision that saves life, gets you a job, or puts you in command to get results. Mistakes to be avoided, Team accountability respected, and performance evaluation is done often.
Target Audience: Skill based and knowledge-based workers in a team working in person or virtual teams, in Pharmaceutical factories where concern for quality and on time demands being met, different types of teams marketing the pharmaceutical products.
Goals are set to be met-not by one person but by everyone in the team. This is the purpose of Goal setting. And how to set a Goal? What are the ingredients of any specific Goal? How to ensure that Goals set are respected and achieved by everyone in the team? Learn and relearn the art of setting a Goal and achieving the goal set.
Target audience: Teams in Hospitals that work to shorten the time to save lives, pharmaceutical companies that have to ensure Precision manufacturing in the given time and precise quality, educational institutes that have to offer both remote and in person learning and still keep everyone understand the subject equally well.
Outcome:Precise and accurate achievement of goals within the parameters of set sop.