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XPRT (Excellent Personal Relationships) :

1. XPRT stands for Excellent Personal Relationships (Test).

2. It is a psychometric assessment tool that has been in use and developed as an Online model by Smart Trainers and Consultants.

3. It helps to understand the behavior of a person when he/she is in a group or team working together.

4.Every individual learns from his experiences from childhood to adulthood, based on his upbringing, learning experiences, and challenges he has overcome or succumbed to.

5. The way a person behaves in a group depends upon his/her upbringing, family values, his learning, and understanding of the various circumstances he/she has undergone, resisted, and tackled.

6. Based on this the Psychrometric analysis gives a broader understanding and helps the interpreter to access, counsel, and guide the participants to ensure success at any given time in a team where he must be.

7. The test consists of 54 statements divided into three segments. Each statement has 6 options.

8. The candidate must select just one option for each statement as his answer.

9. He must write the answers for each statement immediately based on the first response that he gets. No second guesses, please. Read, and select the one response immediately as it strikes you.

10. Most of the time, the first response is the right response.

11. It should be noted that there could be similar sounding statements and each of these have their value of interpretation and the response for each can be different.

12. Psychologists interpret the behavior of a person in 2 categories wanted and expressed.

13. In each of these they find the behaviors of Inclusion, control and affection.

14. The analysis that is made from the answers given is studied by V. Ramprasad, Overseas President and CEO of Smart Trainers and Consultants and each person is individually counselled by him.

♦  An online testing tool which is used to access every individual working in any of the segments listed above in accessing their Interpersonal relationship skills and the analysis that is made by us is unique that identifies all that is necessary to be a good team leader and team player skills.

♦  Through this unique instrument, we give feedback to individuals, team leaders, and the corporate which is invaluable. The feedback will be based on the behaviour pattern of individuals in a team, why they behave in a particular fashion, and analyzing various factors that could have conditioned them.

♦  We give suitable suggestions to improve them and indicate the kind of training programs that may be necessary for better up-gradation of skills needed.

♦  Target audience: Every individual who plays a part in the success of any team in Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and Educational Institutions leadership as faculties.

♦  Outcome: Assessment of individuals and Teams, their individual and team roles vs responsibilities with individual, team-wise, and organization wise feedback.

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