• +1(425) 588-6385
  • ramprasad@thesmarttraining.com
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President and CEO’s note:

Smart Trainers and Consultants born in 2003, registered in 2007 in Hyderabad, India, has undergone many transformative cycles in it’s journey and has come out successfully in this year-April 2023. Its core values to strengthen the corporate sector in Health care domain including Pharmaceuticals) remain in its focus.

The recent changes in the world, following the pandemic, have brought new factors of importance to be considered. This includes the effect of the pandemic on Students and Educational sectors which are again governed by new rules of interaction and confidence building. This hence becomes an important issue for us in Smart Trainers and Consultants to draw its attention on the Educational Sector where we always had our focus.
In the same manner, the corporate sectors are also undergoing rapid changes in the was of marketing and customer relationship building.

If you think of it, you will agree that for a better future weather educational sectors or healthcare management professionals have to think of identifying newer methods of interaction with their target audience.

Simply said, this calls for consolidating customer relationships and interpersonal relationships. This is where we in Smart Trainers and Consultants want to consolidate this year 2023 to serve both the sectors in revamping their approach through our 2 new programs.
XPRT - Excellent Personal Relationships
XCEL - Excellent Customer Relationships
Both the programs are unique in nature and fine-tuned for each of our clients, based on their expectations and requirements.
We would say 2023 is the year of Customer orientation and Customer relationships.
You may go through our listing on these topics and ask for your need-based analysis.

Ramprasad Varanasi
President and CEO

Key Benefits of the Service

Our company has developed two tools that tackle productivity and development at every level of your organization.XPRT (Excellent Personal Relationships) is a sigularly unique tool that will strengthen personnel development greatly. XCEL (Excellent Customer Relationships) is a behavioural orientation tool that drastically improves an employees customer relations skill.

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