• +1(425) 588-6385
  • ramprasad@thesmarttraining.com
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XPRT (Excellent Personal Relationships) : - Register and take a printout for your use. Click here

Excellent Personal Relationships testing analyzes the factors that condition your responses to the stimuli that you get in your day-to-day interactions. This is a conditioned response based on the various factors that have molded your experiences. (To understand this, we ask a few questions before you commence your test). The honest information provided would help us to help you properly.

Success in modern society requires strong interpersonal collaboration skills: how you react to circumstances, your interpretation of how others react and how others understand you. Your background and experiences condition your behavior in society at large and XPRT (Excellent Personal Relationships) helps uncover the conscious and unconscious biases that govern it. It can become a very handy tool to understand and modulate your responses to situations with empathy and awareness. The current Pandemic brings its challenges where personal interactions become restricted to virtual meetings.

Virtual meetings take away the ability to converse through body language and can easily lead to misunderstandings and confusion. Therefore, it is particularly important to know the following.

✔   Strength and Weaknesses
✔   Potential and Awareness
✔   How you work in a team
✔   Your Interpersonal Orientation (Based on the above factors that you have developed)
✔   Your style of Leadership
✔   Prioritization
✔   Communication styles
✔   Decision Making

All these areas of influence are also impacted because of the current challenging circumstances.

REGISTER for the TEST of just 54 statements, answer them in around 15 - 20 minutes and start gaining insights that will create a significant impact on your professional career.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wish you all the best                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               V. Ramprasad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              President and CEO